

Page history last edited by Pneuma 6 years, 3 months ago



00BFCF44~00BFCF51     jMAX_LEVEL 255     can change max lvl?

00BFD3C2~00BFD3D8     BASIC_ITEM_INVENTORY 64     can change inventory size?

BFD44E~BFD45D     USER_MAX_HP 9999     Max HP?

other stuff like max EXP, max stat, max deposit around these addr

Similar lines are found in various addresses, probably just an included header?


Data Encrytion key? (starting 0x00BFF167)



CRYPTION_MARK "crypted\n"


MASK 0377



Googling show something like enigma.c, probably just a bunch of included files?







CT0         * Clock, ・醐血 48・ рR月 14日 15時 24分, tc = 1489472640.

CT0         * Clock, ・醐血 48・ рR月 14日 15時 36分, tc = 1489473360.


Works out to 720tcs in 12 minutes, or 60tcs per minute. So 1tc per second


Game server also seems to poll to get the current time in Lunar Calendar, regardless of server time, to make things more confusing.




d2d structure




             columns?       rows?     datatype   datasize       column1
000000h   56 00 00 00    F1 03 00 00    01       09 00    4D 6F 6E 73 74 65 72   V...ñ......Monster
000012h   00 00    43 63 68 6B 00 CD CD CD 00    43 67 65 6E 00 CD CD            ..Cchk.ÍÍÍ.Cgen.ÍÍ
000024h   CD 00    4D 6F 6E 73 74 65 72 00 00    4D 6F 6E 73 74 65 72            Í.Monster..Monster
000036h   00 00    4D 6F 6E 73 74 65 72 00 00    4D 6F 6E 73 74 65 72            ..Monster..Monster



002370h   00 00    4D 6F 6E 73 74 65 72 00 00    4D 6F 6E 73 74 65 72   ..Monster..Monster
002382h   00 00    00    04    00 00 00 00    21 0B 20 00    22 0B 20 00    23 0B   ........!. .". .#.
              datatype datasize    column1        column2        column3






Data Type?  dataSize 
0x00 = int? 1b
0x01 = str? 2b



Quite an old post (back in 04). I wonder if structure has changed in 4.04? Apparently not changed in 4.04




680 : ネトゲ廃人@名無し[sage] 投稿日:04/11/06 19:35:18 ID:???






681 : 676[sage] 投稿日:04/11/06 19:49:14 ID:???



Above structure seems only to apply to 0103.d2d which has to do with the patcher. Client seems to adopt a different structure now

Above structure applies to 4.04 as well



eg. 0014.cnd index file?

01 00 00 00      02 00 00 00      EE B6 BD 28       00       00       00         CB 8F 88 90     01          00     00

tableCount?      entryCount     data pointer? entryNumber  unused? gotodirlvl   data pointer? entryNumber  unused? gotodirlvl


0014.d2d data file


64 D6 6E 8D 27 70 B7 E6 A8 D4 D9 45 ED 00 17 86 

first exact 16 bytes seems to exist in all d2d files 


5B FD 17 FE C7 1F 9B D7 AC DA 68 FF BC AD 7F 15

7B BC A5 90 A2 58 08 82 DE 2F 4A CA E1 7D 3B E3

CA 8C FD 86 53 C9 97 90 A7 15 CD 3F 36 A3 78 FC

D6 4C 12 9E 69 EA 37 43 14 D4 0A 28 2C E2 D6 A4 

64 0B 50 BC 43 E8 3F 27 B8 FA 14 7E 32 4B 86           66 46 37 43 63

                                                           ? seems always present at end of d2d files (also exists in gTW d2ds)

Interesting files:



About AdvWebQuery


In Options.jtales there are a few definitions that open up certain ports for what it calls AdvWebQuery. It's probably related to some remote GM tools?

I've gotten the server to respond and accept ssh connections, but haven't had much luck getting pass authentication.

My hunch is, if it's possible to successfully login, it's probably possible to manage the server remotely, and apply changes on-the-fly without restarting?


Similarly, there's also XML_RPC, but haven't had any luck getting that to respond at all.



TEX.DAT (From GTales V1.01)


Looks like they changed the format of the packing. It appears that TEX.DAT only contains the file structure, and the other files are raw data; while the old format packs the structure and raw together.



3305 files


000028   85 85 85 85 9B F1 E1 ED                     .....ñáí
          0  0  0  0  .  d  t  x
000056   85 85 85 84 9B F1 E1 ED                     .....ñáí
          0  0  0  1  .  d  t  x
000084   85 85 85 87 9B F1 E1 ED                     .....ñáí
          0  0  0  2  .  d  t  x
000112   85 85 85 86 9B F1 E1 ED                     .....ñáí
          0  0  0  3  .  d  t  x
000140   85 85 85 81 9B F1 E1 ED                     .....ñáí


{} Shows 0000.DTX data block
000000   44 32 50 41 43 4B 46 49 4C 45 32                         01 00 00   D2PACKFILE2...
000014   00      B5      14 00 00 00     E9 0C 00 00         { 08 00 00 00   .µ....é.......
               xor key               Total File Count        { Filename Length
               Filename                Empty?          Start Offset(->)
000028   85 85 85 85 9B F1 E1 ED     00 00 00 00           00 00   .....ñáí......
000042   00 00       02 86 01 00     DE 2B 00 00  }  08 00 00 00   ......Þ+......
 Start offset   uncompressed size    Packed Size  }
000056   85 85 85 84 9B F1 E1 ED     00 00 00 00 DE 2B   .....ñáí....Þ+
000070   00 00 72 25 00 00 32 07 00 00     08 00 00 00   ..r%..2.......
000084   85 85 85 87 9B F1 E1 ED     00 00 00 00 10 33   .....ñáí.....3
000098   00 00 F8 9B 02 00 2B 38 00 00     08 00 00 00   ..ø...+8......
000112   85 85 85 86 9B F1 E1 ED     00 00 00 00 3B 6B   .....ñáí....;k
000126   00 00 38 4D 04 00 86 8F 00 00     08 00 00 00   ..8M..........
000140   85 85 85 81 9B F1 E1 ED     00 00 00 00 C1 FA   .....ñáí....Áú



Then proceed to TEX0.DAT from 0x0000 to 0x2BDE is plain data for 0000.DTX, 0x28DE to 0x2572 is 0001.DTX, etc.


The 4byte header 02860100 is the uncompressed size in big endian for 0000.dtx.zip if you strip it you can decompress it with zlib


zlib magic headers

78 01 - No Compression/low
78 9C - Default Compression * used by tw from what i can tell
78 DA - Best Compression 



After unpacking TEX folder from Global Client 1.01, turns out the compression algorithm is different from JP Client 4.04

On a side note, Luna version 0.03beta can open 4.04 client but not Global 1.01, vice versa for Luna 0.04beta






God's tool. Scans data file for zlib-able things

offzip just invalidated 5 hours of my work -__-


a very useful tool to unpack the zip (zlib/gzip/deflate) data contained in any type of file like raw files, packets, zip archives, executables and everything else.

it's needed only to specify the offset where the zip data starts or using the useful -S search option able to scan the file for possible deflate (-z -15) and zlib data.

there are also other options for extracting all the compressed streams (-a) or dumping them compressed (-A).

it's also possible to choose a windowBits value for scanning both the zlib (RFC1950) and deflate (RFC1951) blocks.

the -c option allows to work with chunked files and trying to build the original files.

the files will be dumped with a guessed extension that can be useful for their quick identification.

the tool has also a reimport option (-r) like QuickBMS.

how to dump all the zlib compressed files in an archive:

- offzip.exe -a input_archive output_folder 0

how to dump all the deflate compressed files in an archive:

- offzip.exe -z -15 -a input_archive output_folder 0





TEX Version Conversion Tool from Clients 4.97+



Weight Display to Crit Display (Old client? 2006/10/16)


0008B38A - 85 D2 75 04 33 C0 -> 8B 85 EC 00 00 00 
0008B3C0 - 35 -> 52 
0008B3CD - 68 68 6B 5B 00 -> 68 38 45 5D 00(ADDR:0016BFCB) 


5 名前: 名無しさん 投稿日:2006/06/12 15:31







0000336E - 75 -> EB

0004E2A4 - 72 10 -> 90 90

000E83D4 - 74 23 -> 90 90

00086222 - 0F 84 AE -> E9 AF 00

000294C0 - 0F 84 47 01 00 00 -> E9 48 01 00 00 90

000E8142 - 7D 07 -> EB 14
000E8163 - 7D 07 -> EB 13

0007B800 - 8A 54 24 18 -> B2 FF 90 90 



4.04j Multibox+α



0000410E 75 -> EB


Client Ver.4.05 (inphasenxd.exe same as 4.04?)
0000410E - 75 -> EB 
00085642 - 0F 84 AE -> E9 AF 00
00029E20 - A1 E4 62 5F 00 -> A1 B6 9B 5F 00 
00029E2B - 8A 48 55 -> 8A C8 90
00056A4A - 0F 85 44 02 00 00 -> 90 90 90 90 90 90 
00056B93 - 0F 84 99 00 00 00 -> 90 90 90 90 90 90 
0008E33A - 85 D2 75 04 33 C0 -> 8B 85 EC 00 00 00 
0008E370 - 35 -> 52
0002844D - 74 -> EB 
00057D64 - 74 1F -> 74 29
00057DE5 - 74 -> EB 
000E8B86 - 74 1F -> EB 1F 


dates 2012

1月25日 ver.5.26 
2月22日 ver.5.28 
3月28日 ver.5.30 
4月25日 ver.5.32 
5月30日 ver.5.34 
6月27日 ver.5.36 








0000410E - 75 -> EB 


00029E20 - A1 E4 62 5F 00 -> A1 B6 9B 5F 00 

00029E2B - 8A 48 55 -> 8A C8 90 


00056A4A - 0F 85 44 02 00 00 -> 0F 84 44 02 00 00 

00056B93 - 0F 84 99 00 00 00 -> 90 90 90 90 90 90 


0008E33A - 85 D2 75 04 33 C0 -> 8B 85 EC 00 00 00 

0008E36F - 6A 35 -> 6A 52 

0008E37D - 68 A8 ED 5B 00 -> 68 90 C9 5D 00 


00085642 - 0F 84 AE -> E9 AF 00 


00188ED6 - 8D 4C 24 34 -> 8B 4C 24 28 


0015F4D0 - 77 -> EB 

0015F540 - 77 -> EB


Change max stats






81 7D 10 0F 27 00 00 7E 07 C7 45 10 0F 27 00 00 83 7D 10 00


81 7d 10 0f 27 00 00 7e 2d 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 b4 92 14 00 83 c4 10 6a 03 68 5d 0b 36 08 68 10 0f 42 08 53 ff d0 83 c4 10 c7 45 10 0f 27 00 00
81 7d 10 0f 27 00 00 7e 2d 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 3d 92 14 00 83 c4 10 6a 03 68 5d 0b 36 08 68 10 0f 42 08 53 ff d0 83 c4 10 c7 45 10 0f 27 00 00


81 7d 10 e7 03 00 00 7e 2d 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 c6 91 14 00 83 c4 10 6a 03 68 21 0d 36 08 68 10 0f 42 08 53 ff d0 83 c4 10 c7 45 10 e7 03 00 00
81 7d 10 e7 03 00 00 7e 2d 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 4f 91 14 00 83 c4 10 6a 03 68 21 0d 36 08 68 10 0f 42 08 53 ff d0 83 c4 10 c7 45 10 e7 03 00 00


81 7d 10 0f 27 00 00 7e 2d 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 d8 90 14 00 83 c4 10 6a 03 68 87 ca 35 08 68 10 0f 42 08 53 ff d0 83 c4 10 c7 45 10 0f 27 00 00
81 7d 10 0f 27 00 00 7e 2d 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 61 90 14 00 83 c4 10 6a 03 68 87 ca 35 08 68 10 0f 42 08 53 ff d0 83 c4 10 c7 45 10 0f 27 00 00


81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 9a a3 14 00 83 c4 10 6a 03 68 22 ac 35 08 68 10 0f 42 08 53 ff d0
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 0a a3 14 00 83 c4 10
81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 9a a2 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 0a a2 14 00
81 b8 44 01 00 00 ff 00 00 00 7e 09 c7 45 f4 ff 00 00 00 eb 47 8b 45 08 83 b8 44 01 00 00 00 79 09 c7 45 f4 00 00 00 00 eb 32


81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 30 a1 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 a0 a0 14 00
81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 30 a0 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 a0 9f 14 00
81 b8 4c 01 00 00 ff 00 00 00 7e 09 c7 45 f4 ff 00 00 00 eb 47 8b 45 08 83 b8 4c 01 00 00 00


81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 c6 9e 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 36 9e 14 00
81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 c6 9d 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 36 9d 14 00
66 81 b8 8c 01 00 00 ff 00 7e 09 c7 45 f4 ff 00 00 00 eb 48 8b 45 08 66 83 b8 8c 01 00 00


81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 5c 9c 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 cc 9b 14 00
81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 5c 9b 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 cc 9a 14 00
66 81 b8 90 01 00 00 ff 00 7e 09 c7 45 f4 ff 00 00 00 eb 48 8b 45 08 66 83 b8 90 01 00 00


81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 f2 99 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 62 99 14 00
81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 f2 98 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 62 98 14 00
66 81 b8 2c 01 00 00 ff 00 7e 09 c7 45 f4 ff 00 00 00 eb 48 8b 45 08 66 83 b8 2c 01 00 00


81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 88 97 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 f8 96 14 00
81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 88 96 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 f8 95 14 00
66 81 b8 30 01 00 00 ff 00 7e 09 c7 45 f4 ff 00 00 00 eb 48 8b 45 08 66 83 b8 30 01 00 00


81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 1e 95 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 8e 94 14 00
81 7d 10 ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 1e 94 14 00
3d ff 00 00 00 7e 26 83 ec 08 68 10 0f 42 08 8b 5d 08 53 e8 8e 93 14 00
66 81 b8 34 01 00 00 ff 00 7e 09 c7 45 f4 ff 00 00 00 eb 48 8b 45 08 66 83 b8 34 01 00 00


あと書き換えたjtalesファイルを起動するとPermision Deniedと言われて起動できない場合、権限を変更すれば できると思うので

chmod 700 /tw404/jtales0/jtales
chmod 700 /tw404/jtales1/jtales
chmod 700 /tw404/jtales2/jtales



そう言えば手動振りの部分まとめるの忘れた・・・080cd475 <_c_LevelManager__increaseUserVital_vitalType_value_>:付近のをいじれば手動で振れるようになります。


かばんバグ2  Edit





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